Friday, March 2, 2012

I Made a Cake

A week and a half! I could have sworn that the last time I posted was like, yesterday. Apparently not...The problem is that instead of blogging lately, I've felt like spending my freetime working on that Novel That No One But Me Will Ever Read But That I'm Determined to Finish (it's on my list), or else trying to catch up on my 50 Books Challenge, which I'm already way behind on because Michael keeps making me read 900 page books. If I get to the end of the year and haven't caught up, I might decide to bend the rules (that I made up) and make each of those books count for three. It's like the reading version of Calvin Ball.

In between those two very time-consuming activities, I made a cake for Michael's birthday. (recipe here) As I finished it up, I thought, "People who make boxed cakes just do not understand. I made caramel today. Freaking caramel!"

Michael's birthday

This cake was so good that it became a source of contention in our home. Long story made cryptic, I yelled at Michael, stomped off to the bedroom, and heard this conversation taking place in the livingroom:

Rylan: You need to say sorry to Momma.
Michael: I need to say sorry? When Mommy was the one yelling?
Rylan: Yes.

Then Rylan came into the bedroom and gave me a hug.

(Later, Michael did apologize, even though I was the one who'd been yelling, because he's awesome like that.)

I've also slowly but surely been scratching things off my Intentions list.
  • I was able to scratch off "paint and hang the front porch swing" after realizing that I can't actually hang a swing on my front porch without cutting gigantic holes in the ceiling. I didn't think my landlord would approve of that plan, so the swing that I'd saved from the dumpster, ended up in the dumpster.
  • I've also decided that my sewing skills are not up to sewing my own couch/chair covers afterall (and also that the idea to do white slipcovers was a bad idea from the start), so that item has been moved to the When I Have Enough Money list.
  • I figured out what I need to buy to get our food storage in order.
  • And Michael fixed the laundry room door. But then it broke again. Two steps forward, one step back...
Last but not least, I do believe this is one of the best ideas I've ever had:

bike helmets


  1. Holy cow that cake looks amazing. I've never attempted to make a cake from scratch.
    "long story made cryptic": ha!

  2. Erin, do you have any pictures of the inside of the case? I know it won't quite do it justice, but it might convey the tastiness of it even more :)

  3. @Michael - No, but if people click on the link to the recipe, they can see pictures of the inside that are much better than any I would have taken.

  4. Isn't blogging the worst?

    Did you guys like that 900 page book? It's the one that is a tv show right now, right? I can't remember if I had this discussion before or not with Michael.

    In January, I read the Chronicles of Narnia. So, I think I've met my quota for the year. I thought I had read them all as a kid, but after re-reading them, I'm pretty sure I only read 3 or 4.

    How silly to fight over a cake. Jaime and I definitely never have ridiculous arguments/fights. It's just not in my personality. So I judge you.

  5. I love your hanging helmets idea. Genius!

  6. @Jessica - I need to try your secret weapon!


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