Tuesday, September 6, 2011


When I retired as a green blogger several weeks ago, one of my stated reasons was to finish up a bunch of projects that I've had on the back burner for awhile now and just couldn't find time to do. I have a long-running list of "Things That Need Done" that I never seem to get to. I need more time! Or perhaps (as Crunchy Betty suggests), I simply need some accountability.

So here it is, folks. My list. It's a long one with some things needing to be finished within the near future and some things that I at least hope to have done by the time I go back to school in 2013. I'm posting it here so y'all can nag me about it. I'll also be able to come here and cross things off as I finish, which is always a thrill for my Type A side, and I'll post picture of finished projects when appropriate.

Things That Need Done

make new job charts
sew cash pouches
prepare for RS activity
organize 72-hour kits
organize and store next year's school supplies
paint marker board and picture frame
paint and hang the front porch swing
sew napkins
make couch/chair covers
dust ruffle for bunkbed
re-caulk everything
sew covers for livingroom pillows
make snack bags
sew pencil bags for Cole, Eli, and Rylan
sew new cloth bags
make placemats
food storage
fix the laundry closet door
paint the livingroom bookcases
organize scrapbooks and baby books
finish pants to skirts conversions
cut squares for future jeans quilt
digitize journals
write novel

The problem with my "Things That Need Done" list is that it won't stop growing. For instance, at the beginning of the summer, I had written "declutter the house," which involved a lot of "discussions" with the children about what and how many toys they really need. I am happy to report that I was able to cross that off my list by the time the kiddos started school, but it was quickly replaced by several more items. Such as:

Start a lasagna garden for the future strawberry bed.

fall garden 2011

Fix the bean pole teepee in the community garden bed.
Harvest the green beans and eat them.

bean pole teepee 2bean pole teepee

Plant a fall garden

fall garden 2011

The things that need done are never ending...


  1. Can you start with the front porch swing first.? I can't wait to see that!

  2. @Jessica - I'm sending Michael out to buy wood and paint tomorrow. When I get it hung up, we'll have to invite you guys over.

  3. I have a similar list. Now that my youngest is in 1st grade this year, I have a bit more time during the day. I've been tackling stuff room by room.


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