Eli at Ten Years Old
- favorite color: red
- favorite food: burritos
- favorite dessert: cheesecake
- favorite thing to do: play video games
- favorite video game: Pokemon (DS)
- favorite subject in school: writing
- favorite book series: Percy Jackson
What is the meaning of life?
- To return to Heavenly Father
What do you want to be when you grow up?
- a geologist
What makes you happy?
- When I hear a funny joke. Fat llamas.
What are you afraid of?
- Spiders.
If you had one wish, what would you wish for?
- A billion dollars.
What is the funniest word?
- ukulele
What is the hardest thing to do?
- Fly
What is the easiest thing to do?
- Breathe
What is the best thing in the world?
- my parents
What is the worst thing in the world?
- monsters
What makes you mad?
- When my brothers are mean to me.
What is the meaning of love?
- getting married
If you had all the money in the world, what would you do with it?
- buy my own company
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