Thursday, January 5, 2012

Hello, Friends...It's Been Awhile

Christmas card 2012

The boys designed our Christmas cards for the third year in a row, and I was pretty impressed with the results. They may not be your normal Christmas cards, but I say normal is overrated and hopefully we brightened a few grandparents' days.

And here's 2011 in review:

Michael Ryan

Erin Nicole

Nicolus Talmage

  • Started second grade.
  • Won the first grade spelling bee and competed in the school wide bee.
  • Spent a week alone with Grammy and Gramps. My family came a week later.
  • Beat everyone at Pokemon.
  • Turned eight and started Cub Scouts. Will be baptized...eventually. (This is a long story. We don't want to talk about it.)
Elijah Hawking
  • Started first grade.
  • Had a picture that I drew put on display at the state fair. It was a self-portrait.
  • Learned to ride a bike without training wheels on my first try.
  • Went camping twice. I fell into the water in the river.
  • Went to Raleigh's annual BugFest. I went in the caterpillar bouncy house and ate cricket cookies. I didn't like them.

Rylan Jack


  1. Does Cole have a brown girl kissing a white boy? That's my kind of brilliant, new age, 21st century kid. And he sits still in cubs too!?

    Please tell me you will still be here when our kids are dating age?!

  2. It's not Erin's fault, since I gave her some bad information, but it hasn't been 4 church callings in 1 year, but 4 in 2 years. Blame me.

  3. @Jessica - You're going to have to have a couple more girls.


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